PR & Communication

Established in 2011, the UNICA PR & Communication Group brings together Vice-Rectors for Communication and professionals working in the field of Public Relations, Communication, Media Relations, and Marketing within the context of Higher Education. The group was created having in mind the rapid and substantial transformation of university communication powered by the advent of digital technologies, the pivotal role of social media, and the increasing competition among Higher Education Institutions.

UNICA PR & Communication subgroup on Alumni Activities

Since February 2022 a subgroup focusing on alumni relations has been created under the UNICA PR & Communication working group. The subgroup named UNICA Alumni Activities has been established as a consequence of a survey carried out between December 2021 and January 2022, aiming at understanding priorities and needs related to alumni services at UNICA member universities.

Building meaningful relationships with alumni has become increasingly important for the strategic growth and advancement of universities. For this reason, since February 2022, the subgroup is frequently meeting and discussing of several topics to improve practices within institutions and learn from each other. Around 30 universities from European capitals are currently represented in the group.

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The working group offers a platform to exchange practices and get insights into the latest trends in University PR & Communication, namely the development of university branding, content strategy, media presence, recruitment marketing, community management and engagement, and event management.

The Group meets every year during the UNICA PR & Communication Workshop. In 2020 the workshop was held online and focused on the communication challenges posed throughout the COVID-19 crisis.

Join now the PR & Communication LinkedIn Group to exchange ideas, articles and events among the UNICA member universities.

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