SAVES 2 project at “LIFE in the New European Bauhaus”
05 November 2021 | From UNICA - From partners

SAVES 2 continues the efforts to encourage environmentally responsible behavior! Following an invitation by the European Commission, the findings of the Horizon 2020 SAVES 2 project on behavior change for a sustainable and inclusive world, will be presented at the conference “LIFE in the New European Bauhaus” (physical and online), Brussels, 15 – 17 November.
Leveraging on the Green Deal, the “New European Bauhaus” is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative, convening a space of encounter to design future ways of living, situated at the crossroads between art, culture, social inclusion, science and technology. The conference “LIFE in the New European Bauhaus” brings together representatives from projects financed through the LIFE and Horizon 2020 programmes working on different aspects of the transformation necessary for a carbon-neutral 2050. Through a matchmaking meeting approach, the conference aims to encourage networking that will lead to new partnerships.
SAVES 2 at the conference
SOS-UK will be presenting the findings on behaviour change for a sustainable and inclusive world, including the conclusions and recommendations of SAVES 2. Be reminded that the SAVES 2 project encouraged students to minimize the carbon footprint in their accommodation through the Student Switch Off (SSO, aimed at university dormitories), and the Student Switch Off+ (SSO+, aimed at the private rented sector). Achievements include:
- Actual energy savings from dormitories, GWh: 5.08
- Overall savings (including extrapolation), GWh: 8.18
- % saving, compared to baseline: 6.78% (average)
- CO2 saving (tonnes): 2,373
If you are also interested in discovering how European citizens can become the architects of the cities of tomorrow, check the programme and sign up for the three day conference until 14 November.
Learn more about “New European Bauhaus“ and the SAVES 2 project.