Archive year 2016
31 December 2016 | From our Members
28 November, 2016 – 14:59
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa opens a new manufacturing laboratory
FCT FabLab is the new manufacturing laboratory of Faculty of Sciences and Technology at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia – FCT), Universidade Nova de Lisboa…Read more

31 August, 2016 – 17:43
Green achievements of Université de Lausanne
Sustainability being one of the main concerns of Université de Lausanne (UNICA member university), the rectorate has prepared a Strategic Plan 2012-2017 to reduce the consumption of materials and energy…Read more

16 June, 2016 – 14:47
Freie Universität Berlin and 4 other universities join forces in the University Alliance for Sustainability
Five universities – Freie Universität Berlin (UNICA member university), Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Peking University, St. Petersburg State University and the University of British Columbia – joined forces and in…Read more

9 June, 2016 – 15:46
Université libre de Bruxelles runs “Emergency Greece” campaign
In May 2016, Université libre de Bruxelles launched “Emergency Greece” campaign to raise awareness about the Greek healthcare crisis and urge European authorities to take action over the alarming situation…Read more
24 May, 2016 – 16:34
Vrije Universiteit Brussels holds “We Are VUB” Congress, 24 May 2016
On 24 May 2016, Vrije Universiteit Brussel held the 1st “We Are VUB” Congress which summed up the joined reflection of academic leadership, university students and staff on what VUB…Read more

29 April, 2016 – 10:42
Sapienza University of Rome commemorates the 13 Erasmus students who died in the bus accident in Spain
On Friday 29 April 2016, Sapienza University of Rome will host “Erasmus Generation – A Value for Europe,” an event dedicated to international mobility, which will open with a commemoration…Read more

28 January, 2016 – 09:55
University of Ljubljana is looking for MSC IF experienced researchers
Call for Expression of Interest for mutual application under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship scheme University of Ljubljana (UL) as the host organization is searching for a top-class experienced researcher…Read more

26 January, 2016 – 09:18
The White Sea Biological Station of Moscow State University offers 3-week field course in embryology of marine invertebrates
Lomonosov Moscow State University invites graduate students to Three-week field course in embryology of marine invertebrates White Sea Biological Station of Moscow State University 13 June – 03 July 2016…Read more