CIDIC mission to Bucharest
25 April 2019 | From UNICA

The European Centre for Economic, Academic & Cultural Diplomacy (CIDIC) organised a two-day mission to Bucharest in the framework of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
On the first day participants were welcomed by HE Mr. Thomas Baekelandt, Belgian Ambassador to Bucharest and the European CIDIC Award ceremony took place.
Two Academic sessions were organised. The first was titled : “University Internationlization Policies-Societal benifits”. Prof. Sorin Costreine, Vice-rector International and Student relations (University of Bucharest) talked on Truth and Post-Truth and Prof. Jan Cornelis, Pro-Vice-rector (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) gave an explanation on the membership agreement of University of Bucharest to BACES.
In the second Academic session, Marc Vanholsbeeck, Head of the directorate of scientific research of the Ministry of Wallonia-Brussels Federation and chairman of ERA Standing WG on Open Science & Innovation (ULB), presented his view on the future of the Open Science ecosystem within the European Research Area. An animated panel discussion on Open Science closed the Academic Session and the mission to Bucharest.
More then 25 high level participants attended the mission.
The CIDIC missions are supported by UNICA, Diplomatic World and VUB – Brussels Diplomatic Academy.