Reaching Out: Universities & Societal Challenges in the City | First Online Workshop | 28 March 2023

On Tuesday, 28th of March, UNICA held the first online workshop of the series titled Reaching OutUniversities & societal challenges in the city” organised in the framework of the UNICA & the City Working Group.

Online Workshop Series – Reaching Out “Universities & societal challenges in the city”

Socially and economically marginalized groups are confronted manifold challenges – from access to education and other resources to active social and cultural participation. The Workshop Series intent to explore good practices of universities in contributing to the solution of these challenges. 

At the end of each workshop and the overall series, the goal is to learn lessons from each other as to what works well and what does not work.

First Workshop – Reaching Out to Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees

The first online workshop of the series focused on the role and experiences of Universities and the academic society in engaging with and supporting migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

To support this process, input was provided by representatives of the Erasmus Student Network and UNICA member Universities – the University of Vienna, the University College Dublin and the Sapienza University of Rome.

Looking into several actions and projects led by these Institutions, the workshop continued with a Panel discussion and Q&As moderated by UNICA & the City WG co-coordinator Dr. Tobias Reckling, Team Manager Knowledge Exchange & National Funding, University of Vienna.

Closing the activity, participants watched the trailer of the Documentary film by Leonardo Cinieri Lombroso called “Refugee Students“.

Have you attended our Online Workshop?

As a way to help us become better, we would really appreciate if you could take a few minutes of your time and fill in our short Evaluation Form.

Watch the recording of the Workshop:

Recording of the First Online Workshop “Reaching Out to Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees” given on the 28th of March, 2023


Tackling societal challenges through internationalisation. The experience of the Erasmus Student Network by Juan Rayón González, President of the Erasmus Student Network

Socially responsible University for Inclusive Societies in the era of Migration, by Mara Matta – PhD, Associate Professor of South Asian Studies, Modern Literatures of the Indian Subcontinent, Sapienza University of Rome

Are Universities doing enough to respond to societal challenges?, by Joe Carthy – Professor of Computer Science, Director UCD in the Community, University College Dublin 

Bridging Teacher Shortage and Internationally Trained/Educated Teachers’ Readiness to Join the Workforce – Questioning Qualifications, Navigating Demands, and Taking Detours, by Michelle Proyer – Associate Professor of Inclusive Education, Research and teaching in the area of inclusive education and at the nexus of disability & culture, Center for Teacher Education and Department of Education, University of Vienna. 

Online Workshop Series “Reaching Out: Universities and Societal Challenges” by UNICA and the City
Online Workshop 1: Engaging with and supporting Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Reaching Out: Universities & Societal Challenges in the City | First Online Workshop | 28 March 2023



10:30 – 12:00 CEST
