UNICA Rectors’ Panel | University of Latvia, 9 April 2025
The UNICA Rectors’ Panel “Competitiveness & Inclusiveness in R&I in Europe: a UNICA perspective” will be kindly hosted by the University of Latvia, Riga on 9 April 2025, 9:00-13:15.
The programme features presentations by Edit Herczog, Senior Adviser at Science | Business and Chair of the Science | Business Widening Group, Guntars Kitenbergs, Vice Rector for Research at the University of Latvia, and Aurelija Povilaikė, National Contact Point for the European Research Council (ERC) in Lithuania and Head of the national NCP Unit.
These will be followed by a panel discussion with the speakers and academic leaders from UNICA member universities located in widening countries.
Register for the Rectors’ panel here!
The traditional UNICA informal dinner ahead of the EUA annual conference will take place on 9 April at 20:00 – Venue: Gutenbergs Rooftop Restaurant (Doma Laukums 1, Rīga)
Representatives of UNICA member universities attending the EUA conference are welcome to join the dinner and kindly invited to confirm their participation by filling out this Google form.

9 April 2025
UL House of Nature, University of Latvia - Rooms 701-702 | Address: Jelgavas iela 1, Rīga, LV-1004, Latvia
University of Latvia