News & Events

Commission launches 'Opening up Education' to boost innovation and digital skills in schools and universities More than 60% of nine year olds in the EU are in schools which are...Read more
CFMAE14 FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS OPEN! 3rd International Conference: The Changing Face of Music and Art Education (CFMAE14) Communication & Processes 24-25 April 2014, Tallinn University (Estonia) The main...Read more
Over 650 Higher Education institutions registered for the first edition of the U-Multirank project, a new university ranking system, officially launched by the European Union on 30 January 2013, seeking...Read more
Looking for: A truly international programme rooted into excellence? An exciting interdisciplinary research agenda dealing with the challenges facing the global system? An ever growing transnational epistemic community ? Generous...Read more
The Learning Outcomes orientation within curricula – a training course University of Poitiers 24-25 October 2013 The Coimbra Group Task Force Education, Training and Mobility, in cooperation with the University...Read more
European Early Childhood Education Research Annual Conference in Tallinn More than 678 researchers from 50 countries will gather at the 23rd Annual European Early Childhood Education Research (EECERA, )...Read more
EM- ACE Project Newsletter: July Edition EM-ACE: Promoting Erasmus Mundus towards European Students: Activate, Communicate, Engage seeks to enhance the visibility, awareness and attractiveness of the Erasmus Mundus programme across...Read more
INVITATION Final Conference IMS 2020 Project “Is Internationalisation measurable?” Monday, 16 September, 2013, 10:00-16:00 Venue: Charité Berlin, Lecture Hall of the Medical Clinic Sauerbruchweg 2, Campus Charité Mitte Keynote Lecture:...Read more
Universities, Students and Societies. Connecting Academic Freedom and Creative Cities is the title of the 25th Magna Charta Universtitatum Conference that will take place on 19 and 20 September 2013...Read more
The Workshop "University PR & Communication tackling challenges: finding new ways to achieve your goals was hosted by Vilnius University, 15-16.05.2014.Read more
Thursday, 15 May, 2014 to Friday, 16 May, 2014
Eighteen UNICA universities were among 100 higher education institutions that received the highest number of Erasmus students in the academic year 2011/2012, according to the report of the European Commission...Read more
The Regional Studies Association works with its international membership to facilitate the highest standards of theoretical development, empirical analysis and policy debate of issues at sub-national scale, incorporating both the...Read more
SCHOLARS AT RISK UNIVERSITY VALUES BULLETIN A PDF version is available at: CONTENTS Essays -- Arab upheavals trigger new sensitivities in Gulf funding for Western universities. By Kristian Coates-Ulrichsen...Read more
The Conference “ Unity in diversity: languages for mobility, jobs and active citizenship ”, held under the auspices of the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and...Read more
The Faculty of Education of Kasetsart University, in collaboration with the Institute for International Education, Stockholm University (UNICA member), organises the 4th Education for Rural Transformation (ERT) International Symposium “Research-Based...Read more
On 4 and 5 June 2013, the Fifth University-Business Forum , organised by the European Commission, was held in Brussels. It took a focus on partnerships for innovation and growth...Read more
The Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon is currently accepting applications from graduates and undergraduates who are interested in the following Master | PhD Programmes (in English) on:...Read more
Erasmus Mundus has completed its selection of consortia, partnerships and projects under two Actions of the Programme within the Call for Proposals EACEA 38/12. Out of 60 projects selected for...Read more
I s there a "Generation ERASMUS", and what characteristics does it have? Can ERASMUS serve as a symbol for "new" Europeans? The recently published book " T he ERASMUS Phenomenon...Read more
Charles University's Post-Doctoral Research Fund offers post-doctoral positions for young foreign researchers. For more information on the procedure and the list of positions offered please click here Contact information: Ivana...Read more
European universities need to think global, says European Commission The international higher education landscape is changing dramatically in shape and size, with greater competition from countries such as China and...Read more
The CHE Consult staff week offers the opportunity to combine the acquisition of new knowledge and state-of-the-art insight into major aspects of internationalisation today with a stay in one of...Read more
5-6 May 2013, Ankara University. Thank you for your active participation!Read more
Tuesday, 6 May, 2014 to Wednesday, 7 May, 2014
Official data and a publication on recent studies of SHARE (Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement ) were presented on 27 June 2013 in Brussels. The most recent wave...Read more
The 1st UGAF School on Green IT (University of Oslo, 7-11 October) will provide a comprehensive understanding of the planning and implementation of Green IT strategy and practice.Read more
Monday, 7 October, 2013 to Friday, 11 October, 2013