ACA's 20th Anniversary Conference

ACA's 20th Anniversary Conference   The Hague, 9-11 June 2013
The programme of 20th Anniversary Conference of Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) offers a line-up of top-notch speakers from Europe and beyond. One of them is Ulrich Grothus, Deputy Secretary General of DAAD, one of ACA's founding members. By training a political scientist, Ulrich Grothus first turned to journalism and afterwards joined the international division of the then West German Rectors' Conference (WRK). He joined DAAD in 1988, where he first served as spokesperson and head of the president's office. Later on, he successively became the director of DAAD's three programme divisions.  In between, he also ran the organization's outposts in Paris and New York.  He is today based in Berlin, as DAAD's frontman vis-à-vis the German government. Ulrich Grothus is also the Vice-President of ACA. A sharp observer, an uncompromising analyst, a gifted orator, a man of commitment and values, Ulrich Grothus has a reputation of thinking 'outside the box'. At ACA's 20th Anniversary Conference he will give the closing keynote. He will address the current European crisis and answer following question: what can and must higher education cooperation do to counter the dangers of the erosion of Europe? ACA's 20th Anniversary Conference will take place in The Hague from 9 to 11 June 2013. It is co-organised by the NUFFIC, another one of ACA's founding members. On this occasion, ACA will revisit those themes which were already at the center of the Association's interest in 1993, the time of foundation, and which have always remained high on ACA's agenda: internationalization and international mobility. These issues will be addressed in plenaries, but more than in the past also in parallel workshops, which will enhance and encourage interaction with participants. The 2-day event will be preceded by a welcome reception and a social programme on 9 June, to welcome participants and allow them to mingle with friends, colleagues and partners, offering an excellent opportunity to gather and network before the event. More information on the programme and registrations on ACA website here