Call for expressions of interest to participate in the EUA study visit to the University of Birmingham (UK)

Call for expressions of interest to participate in the EUA study visit to the
University of Birmingham (UK)

Deadline for applications: Friday, 9 September 2011, 12.00h (midday) CET

As part of the EUIMA – Full Costing project, which aims to enhance the development of full costing in European universities, EUA is organising its third study visit to foster the development of human resources departments responsible for its implementation.
The study visit will take place at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom on 25- 27 October 2011. The study visit will be a unique opportunity for participants to learn about the results of the recent review of the UK full costing methodology. Participants will be able to learn about the key strategic issues involved in setting up full costing at their university, and to develop the skills required for managing this complex change process. These include how to set up costing methodologies, to manage the data collected, and to design effective communication strategies.

The study visit is a 1,5 day event and is limited to a maximum of 40 participants. There is no registration fee, though participants are required to cover their travel and subsistence costs themselves. A contribution towards meeting the costs of travel and subsistence will be offered to a limited number of participants who are unable to cover the full expenses.
More information about the study visit along with a preliminary programme.

 Priority will be given to applications submitted by groups of two university representatives, including a senior university leadership representative and a senior management or administration delegate.

More information about the selection critera here

For more information please contact Anna-Lena Kulik +32 2 743 1 148. To submit your expression of interest, please fill in the application form. Please send the completed application form to by Friday 9 September 2011 (12.00h CET).