COMAMA : master programme in ECOlogical MArine MAnagement

The 2-year master programme in ECOlogical MArine MAnagement (ECOMAMA) addresses students with a background in Sciences. It provides them with strong fundamental and applied knowledge and prepares them for an active role in the scientific research and management of marine ecosystems. The programme adopts a multidisciplinary approach integrating physical, chemical geological, ecological and societal aspects and including nature conservation and sustainable development. ECOMAMA trains students in : playing a key role in high quality scientific marine research providing advice in marine management based on sound scientific knowledge becoming critically minded, problem-solving and communicative scientists. ECOMAMA is an inter-university programme organized by the Biology departments of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB, Free University of Brussels) and Universiteit Antwerpen (UA, Antwerp University). The programme also cooperates closely with Universiteit Gent (UGent, University of Ghent). ECOMAMA is an International Course Programme (ICP) co-financed by Vlaams Interuniversitaire Raad - University Development Cooperation (VLIR-UOS), which started in 1997-1998. Since its inception the programme has been continually adapting to ongoing developments in marine research, and has remained attentive to the changing needs and requirements of the student population. To date, more than 100 students have graduated as Masters in Ecological Marine Management. The diversity of professional, disciplinary and cultural backgrounds of both students and lecturers ensures that the ECOMAMA programme has a truly unique international character. Through UNICA we would like to advertise our ICP master programme in Europe. It would also be interesting to collaborate with other Marine Research groups or Marine master programmes in Europe. Perhaps we could exchange lectures with a specific expertise or organize seminars together… More information on the ECOMAMA master. For further information please consult the ECOMAMA website