Early bird registration extended! ORPHEUS 2014: Creating Career Opportunities for PhDs in Life and Health Sciences (U. of Lausanne, 3-5 April 2014)

 Creating Career Opportunities for PhDs in Life and Health Sciencesorpheus.png Lausanne, Switzerland, April 3rd-5th 2014, University Hospital Center (CHUV)
A conference to discuss expectations on PhD education aimed at delegates from Universities, Public & Private Sectors and PhD students
PhD training and careers in life science, how to improve them? During the 9th international ORPHEUS Conference, delegates from academia, public & private sectors together with PhD students will be invited to present their research, experience and expectations on PhD education. Plenary sessions, workshops and poster sessions are planned to maximize networking between all participants. This event is organized by the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (Université de Lausanne) and will take place at the University Hospital Centre in Lausanne from 3 to 5 April 2014. Dont miss the occasion to participate and actively contribute to the improvement of PhD education. The programme and more information is available at http://www.unil.ch/orpheus 2014
Early bird registration: until 31 January 2014
  • Creating Career Opportunities
  • PhD Supervision
  • Transferable Skills
  • Nursing Sciences, Public Health, Neuroscience and Interdisciplinary Programs
  • PhDs around the World: International Aspects
  • Responsible Conduct in Research