Erasmus Mundus Staff and Student Survey: fill it in by 10 December 2012!

EM-ACE: Promoting Erasmus Mundus towards European Students: Activate, Communicate, Engage is a project co-funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Programme (Action 3). The overall aim of the project is to enhance the visibility, awareness and attractiveness of the Erasmus Mundus (EM) programme across Europe, with the final goal to raise both the quantity and quality of applications received from European candidates. For further information on the project read the document here.

Dear Student,

Are you interested in studying abroad, or have you already taken part in an international study programme? Do you think students are given enough information about the options available for mobility and exchange schemes? Are the European Commission programmes to encourage students to study abroad well promoted and attractive?
Participate in the survey and get the chance to win one of ten €50 Amazon vouchers!

Click here to start the survey

The deadline to complete the survey is 10 December 2012.
Anonymity and data privacy are guaranteed.

Dear University Colleague,

We believe you may have expert views on academic partnerships, student mobility, marketing or internationalization. We are interested in opinions of the representatives of both academic and administrative staff, as well as those with specific international, Erasmus Mundus or marketing roles.

The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete and the deadline is 10 December 2012. We may quote from what you say, but we will not attribute the comments to you unless you give us your permission (see section at the end).

Click here to start the survey.

We are very grateful for your help.