EUA's latest activities in the area of university governance, autonomy and funding

The DEFINE project, which looks at strategies for efficient funding of higher education in Europe, is well under way and is now entering its second year. The EUA-led consortium has collected a large amount of data, covering most higher education systems in Europe, and the preliminary analysis has already yielded highly interesting results.
These first findings will be shared with university practitioners at an exclusive event organised in cooperation with HUMANE, the Heads of University Management and Administration Network in Europe, on 22-23 November 2013.
The seminar, entitled “How to fund universities efficiently?”, will be held at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. It will be a unique opportunity to get an early insight into this ambitious comparative study of funding mechanisms and efficiency measures used throughout Europe. Participants will discuss with European peers the impact of these current trends on institutional management and strategies and how to respond to them.
The programme and registration for this event are available here: Places are limited.
Participation in DEFINE will also be possible in 2014. To complement the quantitative analysis, experienced university leaders and managers will provide input and share their experience on the following three topics:
  • Performance-based funding
  • Merger processes and concentration measures
  • Excellence schemes
Focus groups, for which a general call for interest will be released soon on the EUA website, will aim to identify good practice, challenges and pitfalls as well as the impact of the three types of measures on the management and the activities of higher education institutions. Participation in the groups is restricted to experienced university leaders and managers who will get the opportunity to:
  • Exchange their experience with peers and network
  • Get exclusive access to the findings from the DEFINE project
  • Directly contribute to the policy development at national and European level
You will find here the detailed call for interest and the application forms for the different groups:
There will still be more to look forward to in 2014, with the latest update of the EUA Public Funding Observatory and the second edition of the Funding Forum planned for the second half of the year.
Key dates
  • 22-23 November 2013, Aveiro, Portugal: Seminar on funding efficiency
  • 19-20 February 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark: Focus Group "Performance-based funding"
  • 28-29 April 2014, Helsinki, Finland: Focus Group "Merger processes"
  • 11-12 June 2014, Erlangen, Germany: Focus Group "Excellence schemes"
  • Autumn 2014: Release of the Public Funding Observatory update and 2nd edition of EUA's Funding Forum
More information
EUA website:
Thomas Estermann
Head of Unit - Governance, Autonomy and Funding
European University Association
Avenue de l'Yser 24, B-1040 Brussels - Belgium
Ph +32-2 743 1 147
Fax +32 2 230 57 51