From Our Members

EAEC offers the UNICA members the possibility of sending about 5 Kg of leaflets or material to be distributed during the 21st EAIE Conference in Madrid, 16-19 September 2009. The...Read more
European PhD on Social Representation and Communication : Read the So.Re. Com. Newsletter n° 7 - May 2009.Read more
UNICA endorses and subscribes to the principles in the United Nations Academic Impact and recommends that university presidents communicate their institutions’ willingness to subscribe to this initiative. You can do...Read more
European PhD on Social Representation and Communication : Read the So.Re. Com. Newsletter n° 6 - April 2009.Read more
University of Helsinki, 26-30 October 2009. Further information in the announcement and on the Website of the international affairs of the University of Helsinki : more
The EST Week will take place in Oslo during May 25-29, 2009. Please find hereby the invitation letter together with a provisional Programme. In order to ensure the quality the...Read more
The University of Cyprus announces two (2) academic positions at the rank of Assistant Professor or Lecturer. DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE One (1) position at the rank of Assistant Professor...Read more
European PhD on Social Representation and Communication : Read the So.Re.Com Newsletter n°4 - February 2009Read more
The last version of Forum (university newspaper of Charles University Prague) is devoted to Charles University as International university. Their partnership within EUA, Coimbra and UNICA are seriously stated.Read more
The University of Ljubljana in cooperation with the leading European consortia in the field of Higher Education - CHEERS and REFLEX - and in collaboration with experts from the OECD,...Read more
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus has a number of vacancies for Visiting Academics at the ranks of Lecturer, Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor. ALL areas...Read more
European PhD on Social Representation and Communication : Read the So.Re.Com Newsletter n°3 -January 2009Read more
In relazione al 9° Corso di Formazione sulle Tecniche Amministrative e Gestionali delle Strutture Universitarie in programma dal 16 al 20 Febbraio 2009 presso il Grand Hotel Principi di Piemonte...Read more
The Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Warsaw has launched recently a new International PhD Programme : "From Simple Molecules to Nanostructured and Bioactive Materials". Students from all countries...Read more
Dear UNICA members, Tallinn University is pleased to invite applications for a number of academic positions starting from September 2009. Read more at . For additional information please contact...Read more
Please read the programme leafletRead more
From the European PhD on Social Representations and Communication : "On November 2008 we launched the first number of the So.Re.Com.THE.NET. @-NEWS, a monthly newsletter, which together with the on-line...Read more
"The Google Generation in Higher Education: Entrant Students and Learning Technologies" In this seminar we will invite participants to discuss the implications of changes in the expectations and use of...Read more
Collection : Questions contemporaines , L'Harmattan, 2008. More information & orders.Read more
The Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus announces a position for a Special Scientist within the research project "Tooling of and Training for Collaborative, Distributed Product Innovation"...Read more
Dodo or Dog ? A challenge to the book in scholarship and higher education. 12-13 October 2008. For further information please visit .Read more
The Erasmus Coordinators Conference 2008 and Go-exchange Fair ERACON 2008 took place on 7 - 11 May 2008 in Lisbon, Portugal. The presentations and conclusions are available at the following...Read more
The Master in Computing Engineering (University La Sapienza) has now launched a web site : . This master is a section of Laurea Magistrale in Information Engineering and is...Read more
Rome University La Sapienza will offer Summer Courses in Italian Language and Culture to foreign students. For more information, please read the summer courses presentation or visit the Summer school...Read more
MATILDA is the first joint European Master Degree programme in Women's and Gender History. It is being set up by a consortium of five European universities and links these institutions...Read more