Intercultural training for university teachers and international officers, Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), 27-31 August 2012

Intercultural Training for university teachers & international officers

Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Intercultural Education & Mobility and Faculty of Education & Pedagogy

Budapest, 27-31 August 2012

Between 27 and 31 August 2012 Eötvös Loránd University (HU BUDAPES01) organizes the first 5-day Intercultural Training for university teachers and international officers. This programme is based on the University's three-year experience in Erasmus Staff Mobility Week programme for international officers, which features a special intercultural training for our colleagues from all over Europe.

The one-week training programme focusing on interculturality has been designed for international officers and teachers who work with international students and staff. The programme contains intercultural social activities as well. The working language of the programme is English.


Application form


  • The Organisers can accept up to 25 participants. To assure the most international atmosphere, only 2 participants per institution can be accepted.The training programme will be organised provided there are at least 15 applicants.
  • The registration fee is 550 € and covers the contact hours, teaching materials, coffee breaks and some social activities. The registration fee and the costs of money transfer, travel, accommodation, meals and part of the social programme have to be covered by the participants. You can apply for Erasmus Staff mobility grant at your Home University.
  • If you are interesed in taking part in the Intercultural Training, please fill in the application form (above) and send it back to Application deadline: 3 August 2012.
    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Agnes Szekely: or