International Conference "Universities and the State", Moscow, 28-29 October 2011

On October 28-29, 2011, the II International Conference “Universities and State” will be organized by the Russian Association for Tertiary Education Research with the support of the National Research University - Higher School of Economics. The Conference Program Committee is chaired by Professor Yaroslav Kouzminov. The subject of plenary session is “The main lines of government policy in higher education till 2020”.

The sessions and round tables will focus on the following issues:

• The autonomy of universities: perspectives and risks

• The evaluation of the quality of higher education: state’s and professional mechanisms

• The government’s support in the development of the university network

• Financial support of the researches in universities

• Social and government systems of accounting and reporting of universities

• New contemporary roles of the state, business and universities

• The government’s regional policy in higher education

• The private section of higher education.

The Conference is particularly oriented to high-quality analytical research and empirical data. The papers should present the results of original research carried out with modern research methodology. Papers presented at sessions could usually be summarized in PowerPoint during 15-20 minutes. As a rule, the average presentation on a round table lasts from 5 to 7 min. Conference program of the sessions and round tables will be formed according the requests. The working languages of the Conference are Russian and English; simultaneous translation will be available during all plenary and most of the parallel sessions.

Participants are invited to submit extended abstracts of their research papers for presentation at the Conference sessions. Applications will be accepted from July 15 till September 12, 2011 .The application should include the speaker’s name, place of work and position, the contact address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail and the title of the proposed paper. A detailed summary of the proposed presentation should be attached to the application, in Word format, in 1 - 3 pages with 1,5 line spacing (up to 7000 symbols). The summary should outline the issue, show the level of the research, include characteristics of the research (theoretical or empirical type of the work, its informational base), as well as its main results. Abstracts which do not present the main idea of the presentation or which are less than 1 page in length will not be accepted. Application should be sent to the address

The group of applicants after on-line registration until September 12, 2011 may inform the Conference Program Committee of their wish to submit their papers on one session. A letter should be sent to the address and should contain information about the title of proposed session; speakers (no more than 3 - 4, already registered as individual applicants) and the topic of the research, as well as name and contact information (phone and e-mail address) of the supposed chairperson of the session. Proposals for the formation of such sessions can be taken into consideration by the Program Committee during the papers' expertise and the formation of the Conference program. The Program Committee will announce its decision on the inclusion of papers in the Conference program by September 20, 2011, considering the results of the expertise made by independent experts. Authors of the papers included in the Conference program are asked to send full-text versions of the text (up to 20 000 symbols with spaces, in Word format) by October 10, 2011 for publication on the Conference website:

Final versions of the papers should be sent by November 10, 2011. For participation without presenting please sent a letter with subject: “Participation without presenting” until September 12, 2011 to the address: The Conference Organizing Committee