Learning Outcomes orientation within curricula – a training course, University of Poitiers, 24-25 October 2013

 The Learning Outcomes orientation within curricula – a training course

University of Poitiers 
24-25 October 2013
The Coimbra Group Task Force Education, Training and Mobility, in cooperation with the University of Poitiers, is organizing  a two-days course on the ECTS and the Learning Outcomes orientation. This course has been held last year in Istanbul University and given the success, a second session will take place on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 October 2013, at the University of Poitiers (France).
The course is designed for both academic and administrative staff who are or will be working with ECTS and learning outcomes. The programme offers a step by step approach to improve the understanding of learning outcomes, the use of LO and ECTS for the implementation of new methods of learning, the implications of LO in quality assurance, recognition, qualifications frameworks.
3 interactive workshops are offered in 3 languages (English, German and French) therefore participants will be given the opportunity to share their practices and to take part in discussion more easily. The conferences will be held in English.
Programme fee: 150 € (including meals and course materials).
Each member university within the Coimbra Group is guaranteed one place until the registration deadline (4th October 2013). However representatives from universities that are not members of the Coimbra Group can also participate.
All information regarding the programme, the registration and payment, accommodation, can be found on the website:
 For further information, feel free to contact: loseminar2013@univ-poitiers.fr