News from Scholars At Risk:

Following the summaries of:

(1) Scholars currently seeking placement assistance: a Syrian director and professor of theatre; an Iraqi scholar of English Literature; and an Iraqi researcher and professor of industrial engineering. 

(2) Scholars in prison/facing sentences for whom SAR has issued updates over the past 2 weeks: Professor Pham Minh Hoang of Vietnam; and Yassin Ziadeh of Syria. 

We ask for your help in reviewing the information and encourage you to share it with your institution and other colleagues who may be able to help.  More information is available from the SAR network office at and +1 212 998-2179.

Scholars of the Week

FIELD: Theatre
RISK: Threat to life/person
LANGUAGE: Arabic, Bulgarian, French, Russian, English (Advanced)

This scholar is a well-known educator, theatre director and human rights activist from Syria. She holds an MFA from Bulgaria and has extensive teaching experience. She has held visiting scholar and artist in residence positions at universities in the US and South Africa. She designed the acting curriculum at a Syrian drama institute, where she later served as a lecturer and as head of the Acting Department. She has also led acting workshops and directed plays throughout Europe, the US and the Middle East. Her teaching interests include Arab theatre, women’s organizations in the Arab world, political theatre and human rights in the arts. This scholar is a member of multiple Syrian human rights organizations and is signatory to several human rights statements, calling for respect for human rights in Syria. Having faced threats since she returned to Syria in Summer 2011, this scholar seeks opportunities beginning immediately to continue her work in a safe and stable environment.

FIELD: English Literature
RISK: Threat to life/person
LANGUAGE: Arabic, English (Fluent)

Currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of English at a university in Iraq, this scholar holds a PhD in English Literature and Translation and an MA in English from universities in Iraq. She also previously held two fellowships at a prestigious US university. She has taught courses on 19th and 20th century English literature, American and British poetry, literary theory, Elizabethan drama, and writing composition, among other subjects. She has published two books and has two books in progress. In addition, she has published numerous academic articles in international journals and presented at many conferences in the US, Iraq, Turkey, Yemen, and Jordan. Currently in Iraq, this scholar seeks opportunities beginning immediately to continue her teaching and/or research in a safe and stable environment.

FIELD: Industrial Engineering
RISK: Threat to life/person
LANGUAGE: Arabic, English (Fluent)

Most recently a visiting researcher at in the Industrial Engineering & Systems Department at a university in the US, this scholar holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Production Management and a MSc in Systems in Management from universities in the UK. A lecturer with over twenty years of experience, he has taught Industrial Engineering, Engineering Economics, Production Planning and Control, Group Technology, and Computer Integrated Manufacturing at universities in Iraq. He has also worked as a Production Manager, Technical Director, and Assistant Director at mechanical production companies in Iraq. In addition, he has published extensively in international journals. Presently in Iraq, his scholar seeks opportunities beginning in August 2012 to continue to his research and writing in a safe and stable environment.


Scholars in Prison

Scholars at Risk has issued updates on behalf of the following scholars. To view SAR’s alerts, to download model letters of appeal or to view SAR’s letters on behalf of the following scholars, please visit:

Pham Minh Hoang, Vietnamese professor of mathematics, was released from prison on January 13, 2012.

Yassin Ziadeh, the brother of Syrian scholar and activist Radwan Ziadeh, was released from detention on November 5, 2011.