News from the UNICA Bologna Lab

After the next UNICA Bologna Lab meeting, the UNICA Bologna Lab Group will see a change of chairmanship: Luciano Saso (UNICA SC member and Deputy Rector for International Mobility at the Sapienza University of Rome) will succeed Arthur Mettinger (FH Campus Wien, previously University of Vienna).

The new Chair will be supported by the newly established UNICA Bologna Lab Advisory Committee, whose members are Raimonda Markeviciene (Vilnius University) and Uwe Jens Nagel (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin).

The next UNICA Bologna Lab meeting, which will be hosted by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin on 5 & 6 December 2013, will be presided over by both the outgoing and the incumbent Chair. The meeting will take a focus on teacher education, and will address issues such as the internationalisation processes in teacher training and research-based learning in teacher education.

More information on the meeting will be published soon.