Seven UNICA universities at the final evaluation conference "Erasmus Mundus & Beyond: EU-China Higher Education & Research Cooperation", Beijing, 3 June


On 3 June, 5 consortia from the Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 programme that were granted a project on the China Lot in 2009 joined forces to organize a Final Evaluation Conference in Beijing. The aim of the Conference was to share the outcomes of 4 years of activities in the framework of the 5 projects and discuss the possibilities of continuing the cooperation in the partnerships that were established thanks to the funding by the Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 programme. Seven UNICA members were involved in this conference, with Vrije Universiteit Brussel as conference co-organiser, and others as partners in one of the consortia: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Sapienza University of Rome, Freie Universität Berlin, University College Dublin, University of Ljubljana, and University of Warsaw.

The 5 projects involved were « TANDEM » coordinated by Ecole Centrale Paris, « LiSUM » coordinated by Ghent University, «  CONNEC » coordinated by the University of Antwerp, «  EMECW » coordinated by Vrije Universiteit Brussel and « EMECW China » coordinated by Lund University.

The event was hosted by Beihang University, one of the Chinese partner universities of the TANDEM project.

In total, 78 European and Chinese universities participated in this event. Several high ranked officials from both the Chinese and the European side were present and addressed subjects such as the Internationalization of China’s Education, EU-China Higher Education Cooperation – The Way Forward, ERASMUS Mundus & External Cooperation - Building cooperation for the future - the new programme “Erasmus for All” and  Tuning and the China-EU Tuning.

The presentations of the conference can be found on the following link:

The pictures can be found on:

The 5 consortia in question hope to have contributed – however small the contribution might have been – to the European-Chinese collaboration and express their wish to further do so.”