Thinking Smart self-assessment tool for Universities: your input is needed!

Thinking Smart is an EU funded (Erasmus+) project, which has delivered a self assessment tool for European universities willing to determine its level of strategic alignment to the priorities of Regional/National Smart Specialisation. This  approach combines industrial, educational and innovation policies of countries and regions in order to identify and select a limited number of priority areas for knowledge-based investments, thereby focusing on their strengths and comparative advantages. Smart specialisation processes need to be based on a strong partnership between businesses, public entities and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).


The project is reaching its final stage and now requires input from UNICA Member Universities through an online survey. Please note that the survey is totally anonymous but, based on received responses, will create profiles of Higher Education Institutions based on the analytical dimensions proposed in the study. 


The survey is now available at:

It would be appreciated if, in addition to filling in the survey, you provide Dr Francesco Molinari ( with your personal comments on easiness of use, clarity of contents (questions/feedback received) and any operational problem you may have incurred into, considering that we are still dealing with a prototype. 

It is also possible to fill in the survey for a self-contained entity such as a Faculty or Large Department.


More info on the project can be found at