Vacancy : full-time postdoctoral researcher on European Foreign and Security Policy at Brussels Institute for European Studies

Full-time postdoctoral researcher on European Foreign and Security Policy

The Institute for European Studies (IES) invites applications for one full-time postdoctoral researcher on European Foreign and Security Policy for a duration of two years (renewable). Part-time employment may also be considered. The IES is a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) specialising in European Studies. Its research focuses on the role of the EU as a global actor and on the interaction between the internal and external dimensions of EU policies and between EU policies and other international institutions and organisations More information on the institute and its research strategy can be found at

Within the overall research strategy of the IES, the successful candidate will conduct research related to European foreign and security policy and contribute to the further development of this research cluster under the guidance of the IES Senior Research Fellow for European Foreign and Security Policy (Prof. Dr. Eva Gross) and IES management. The tasks to be undertaken include:


  1. Design and undertake post-doctoral research on European foreign and security policy in the area of the candidate’s more specific expertise and research interest within the overall IES research programme. This work includes the preparation of substantive papers and the editing and authoring of (book) publications.
  2. Assist in activities within the research cluster to raise external funds required for the realisation of further research projects and to organise events such as lectures.
  3. Contribute to the supervision of the work of Ph.D. students and counselling with the project promoters of junior researchers.
  4. Contribute to relevant teaching and training programmes of the IES (summer schools, study-abroad programmes, targeted trainings …).
  5. Assist in liaising with researchers in Belgian and foreign universities in these fields with a view to cooperation in networks or common research projects.
  6. Perform other tasks as assigned by the IES Board and management. Positions can be held preferably on a full-time or substantial part-time basis. Secondment from other Belgian or foreign universities can be envisaged.

Duration: Two years with possibility of renewal

Requirements: The successful candidate will have:


  • An advanced university degree (Ph.D. or equivalent) in political science or in another relevant discipline such as law or history (preferably with relevant international relations experience/expertise);
  • Research experience and publications related to the field of European foreign and security policy;
  • Ability to work harmoniously in a multicultural environment;
  • Fluency in English; a working knowledge of other European languages is desirable;
  • Experience with university-level research, teaching and programme development; with international organisations, scientific and research/training institutions; and in fund-raising for research will be considered strong assets.

Remuneration: post-doctoral level

The contract offered is a contract under Belgian law and subject to the Belgian tax system.

Applications including (1) a note on a potential project which the candidate would like to undertake (max. 10 pages), (2) a detailed Curriculum Vitae, (3) a list of publications and (4) two letters of references should be sent to the Academic Director of the IES (address below) or by email:, before 31 March 2010.

Institute for European Studies - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
att Academic Director
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels

Laïla Macharis  | Management Assistant
Institute for European Studies
Pleinlaan 2 
1050 Brussels

p. +32 (0) 2 629 18 07   
f.  +32 (0) 2 629 18 09 