So.Re.Com Newsletter

From the European PhD on Social Representations and Communication : "On November 2008 we launched the first number of the So.Re.Com.THE.NET. @-NEWS, a monthly newsletter, which together with the on-line So.Re.Com.THE.NET. Scientific Events Agenda, will announce and disseminate information concerning various types of scientific and training events (seminars, lectures, research group meetings, methodological training, etc.) organised in and outside the European Ph.D. on Social Representations and Communication Research Centre and Multimedia Lab and at So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork partner sites. It will also include editorial news, the launch of new actions and projects, snapshot views of completed activities, and information and contacts related to networking, etc." "All So.Re.Com.THEmatic NETwork partners are kindly invited to contribute actively by posting information concerning editorial news, launching of new projects, call for partnerships, and events (seminars, conferences, workshops, training courses, etc.) of general interest to participants in the European Ph.D. programme and to the wider So.Re.Com. THEmatic NETwork scientific community." "Please send information you wish to disseminate via the So.Re.Com.THE.NET.@-NEWS to :" Read the newsletter More information online on So.Re.Com. THE.NET. @-NEWS page.