20 years of public television – Brussels, 28 and 29 April 2011

The Institute for European Studies (IES) and the Center for Studies on Media Information and Telecommunication (IBBT-SMIT) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel organize a two-day conference on the genesis, evolution and future of private television in Europe.
In 1989, the Television without Frontiers Directive opened up European broadcasting markets. Monopolies were abolished and a market logic was introduced in a, traditionally, nationally embedded sector. The liberalization of the broadcasting sector in Europe gave rise to both fears and enormous aspirations.

This conference seizes the momentum of 20 years of television liberalization policies in Europe to critically evaluate the contributions of private television to cultural diversity, democracy and economic development, assess its strengths and weaknesses and build a forum for constructive debate among academics, policy makers and practitioners about past, present and future perspectives on private television.

The two-day conference takes place on 28 and 29 April 2011.

Location: Brussels
Venue: Crowne Plaza Brussels – La Palace, Rue Gineste 3

CALL FOR PAPERS                       

With this conference, the organizers seek to fuel attention for the issue of private television in Europe. Research efforts on this topic have been rather limited so far. For that reason and being supported in this by the European Commission’s Jean Monnet programme, the organizers encourage scholars to submit abstracts on the following topics:
-    Contributions of the private television sector to pluralism and diversity;
-    Private television, commercialization and television formats;
-    News programmes;
-    Children’s television;
-    Independent television production;
-    Cinema and private television;
-    Commercial communication;
-    New business and organization models of private television;
-    The future of private television in Europe;
-    Private television in EU countries;
-    Perspectives on private television in non-EU countries;
-    Competition policy: State aid, anti-trust and mergers;
-    Harmonization and internal market policies;
-    Sports broadcasting rights    ;
-    PPP, PSP and other funding possibilities;
-    Multi-level governance;
-    European institutions and private television;
-    Independent regulators.           

Abstracts are to be submitted before 22 October 2010 through our online submission system on www.privatetelevision.eu. Abstracts cannot be sent by e-mail. Questions for clarification can be sent to info@privatetelevision.eu .
Abstracts are subject to peer review, amount to 500 words maximum and contain information on the research question, methodology, structure and research argument of the paper. You will receive a notice of acceptance before 10 December 2010.
Full papers (of maximum 8000 words, including references) are to be submitted before 31 March 2011. Submitted papers can be selected for publication in an edited collection on 20 years of private television in Europe and beyond.



Registration will soon be possible on conference website www.privatetelevision.eu.

The registration fee:
-    before 1 January 2011 – €150; 
-    after 1 January 2011 – €250;
-    special rate for PhD students – €120.