OECD-IMHE General Conference 2012 - Call for Contributions

IMHE General Conference 2012

Call for Contributions


The OECD Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education (IMHE) has launched a call for contributions for its General Conference: Maintaining and Sustaining Mass Higher Education, 17-19 September 2012. This internationally renowned event will take place in the prestigious setting of the OECD headquarters in Paris. It constitutes a unique opportunity for policy makers, institutional managers, civil society representatives and academic researchers to be part of a showcase for a high level audience (CEOs, ministers, rectors, etc.).


The Conference will focus on the challenges of attaining and sustaining mass higher education, in an increasingly competitive and international context.


To contribute to the call go to www.oecd.org/edu/imhe/generalconference.

Deadline for proposals: 1 December 2011.

For further questions, please contact: imhe@oecd.org