[EM-iDEA] Erasmus Mundus, EM-iDEA 2nd and 3rd Conferences

 This is an announcement for the second and third conferences organised by the Erasmus Mundus (EM) Action 3 project EM-iDEA, which will take place in:

  • Lund (Sweden) on March 27th, 2012

    Vilnius (Lithuania) on July 13th, 2012


Save these dates!


The aim of the EM-iDEA project is to bring together the community working on projects of EM type, to exchange and to prepare collective actions.


These conferences are two of six regional conferences organised by the project. Three more will be held before July 2013 in Novi Sad, Valencia and Bordeaux.


You will find information on the conference which was held in Ghent on the project's website, where you will also find our first newsletter. See http://www.em-concilium.eu


You should consider attending the conferences:

  •  if you are working on an existing joint programme of Erasmus Mundus type or if you are preparing a new one


  •  if you wish to meet people involved in the implementation of joint programmes
  •  if you share the ambition to strengthen the cooperation within the European Higher Education Area and with universities throughout the world
  • if you would like to participate in the creation of a structured network of professionals with experience in the development and implementation of joint programmes.


Another announcement will be sent in the coming weeks with further information on the Lund conference, including registration and the conference programme. This information will also be available on the project website, along with details of local travel and accommodation, as soon as possible.

For more information please contact:
