PASCL Training of experts in Student-Centered Learning: Apply by 15 January!

The PASCL project consortium is happy to announce an open call for a Student-Centered Learning Training that will take place 16-17 February 2015 in Budapest.

The PASCL project aims to train experts (to be included in the European PASCL pool of experts) who will share their skills and knowledge on the national level and will contribute to the increasing awareness on the changes to be made in the learning and teaching culture at institutional level. The training in Budapest is the first step in the peer-assessment process, whereby the peer-assessment team-members, and the representatives of the participating institutions will be acquainted with and have an opportunity to discuss the concepts and philosophies on which the peer-assessment process is built upon (such as student-centered learning and enhancement-led evaluation), and the steps of the peer-assessment process itself.


Please visit the PASCL project website for the detailed information about the training and the application and selection procedures.


Application deadline is 15 January 2015.


In case of questions, please contact: