Scholarly Communication

The aim of these seminars is to put in common our experiences in a new professional framework; to acknowledge the enormous effects that the new economic and scholarly communication management models have for our institutions and to outline concrete proposals which will be able to solve these new problems.

The recommendations and the conclusions of the first seminar (Madrid, 2002) have been sent to the European Commission, to scientific and political authorities and to the UNICA members.

Scholarly Communication organizing comittee:

Paul Ayris Univerity College London
Kris Dejonckheere UNICA
Ivana Halaskova Charles University Prague
Maria Parakova Charles University Prague
Kaisa Sinikara University of Helsinki
Filippos Tsimpoglou University of Cyprus
Marc van den Berg University of Amsterdam
Françoise Vandooren Université Libre de Bruxelles


Paul AYRIS, chair of the UNICA Scholarly Communication Group, is an invited speaker to the conference on copyright regulation in Europe (EU-wide conference on science- and education-friendly Copyright regulation in Europe) held on 14-15 November 2008 in Berlin.
For further information on this conference :



Working Group

Scholarly communication