The IMOTION online platform centralises information about training activities organised for university administrative and technical staff organised in Europe. It aims to support Higher Education Institutions in the promotion of their staff training events and to help university administrative staff to find the appropriate training or job shadowing they are looking for. 



FACTS AND FIGURES (October 2018)

  • the platform lists over 200 staff mobility weeks

  • in 2017 there were 85 871 unique visitors (an increase of 37% compared to the previous year)

  • 52,2% were returning visitors

  • the platform is listed on the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility pages of the European Commission


The platform is the outcome of the Integration and Promotion of Staff Training Courses at Universities across Europe (IMOTION) project, a one year initiative launched in October 2013 and co-ordinated by UNICA? which was co-funded by the European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus Accompanying Measures).

The project was co-ordinated by UNICA and included a consortium of European Universities and networks including Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), Ghent University (Belgium), SGroup European Universities’ Network (SGroup), Compostela Group of Universties (CGU) and the European Association of ERASMUS Coordinators (EAEC).

Since the end of the project UNICA is responsible for sustaining and updating the platform.