Internal rules

Internal Rules and Regulations of November 27th, 1998 on the formation, the composition of and the powers conferred to working groups, workshops and Committees


  1. Working-groups on selected topics are one of the instruments of the Association for encouraging the cooperation of member Universities.
  2. The creation of a working-group is decided by the Steering Committee or proposed to the Steering Committee by at least three member universities.
  3. Each working-group is co-ordinated by one of the universities of the Association, in collaboration with the Steering Committee, represented by one of its members, and the Secretary General.
  4. The working-groups are open to non-member universities.
  5. A co-ordinator is responsible for organising the activities of the working-group and for seeking appropriate funding.
  6. The co-ordinator reports in writing on the activities of the group to the Steering Committee and the General Assembly.
  7. Any working-group, which has had no activity for one year, is automatically dissolved.
  8. In addition to the working-groups, informal groups may be created by professors or researchers. These groups are not formally recognised by the Association, but may be established as formal working-groups at their request, with the approval of the Steering Committee.

Internal Rules and Regulations of November 27th, 1998 on the Election of the President and of the members of the Steering Committee

1. Timetable
At least eight months before the General Assembly, during which the elections take place, the Steering Committee shall invite all member universities of the Association to propose a candidate from their university for the position of President and for that of member of the Steering Committee. It shall also inform the member universities of the President's intentions if he/she is re-eligible and of the intentions of the members of the Steering Committee. A University may also propose as President a maximum of one person and as members of the Steering Committee a maximum of two persons, drawn from another institution. Proposals must reach the Secretary General of the Association at least two months before the General Assembly.
The nominations shall be sent to the Secretary General in a sealed envelope. This nomination letter shall contain a statement indicating that the nominee is willing to carry out in person the mandate for which he/she is proposed. The envelopes shall be opened during a meeting of the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee shall control the validity of the candidatures in conformity with the statutes.
The out-going Steering Committee draws up the list of candidates and circulates it to the members of the Association at least one month before the General Assembly.

2. Quorum and Procedures of Election
The election of the President and the Steering Committee is valid only if one half of the member universities participates in the vote either through the presence of a representative or by proxy. Blank voting slips are not taken into account. The election is held during the General Assembly by secret ballot.
If the quorum is not met at the General Assembly, the election will be effected by circulating written procedures under the responsibility of the Steering Committee.

3. Procedure for Election of the President
For the election of the President, in the first round of voting, an absolute majority (half the votes plus one) is required. If none of the candidates obtains an absolute majority in the first round, then a second round shall be held between the two candidates obtaining the most votes in the first round. The candidate with the relative majority in the second round (a difference of one vote) shall be declared President.

4. Procedure for Election of the Members of the Steering Committee
For the election of members of the Steering Committee, the five persons who have obtained the most votes are elected. The composition of the Steering Committee shall respect, as far as possible, the geographical balance between the different regions of Europe.

5. Complementary Elections
If any member of the Steering Committee should renounce or be unable to continue to serve for the remainder of his/her term, a complementary election will be held during the General Assembly following his/her departure and/or resignation.
If the President renounces or is unable to continue his/her function, a member of the Steering Committee shall take up his/her responsibility until elections may be held at the next General Assembly (according to the procedures in Articles 2 and 3 of this).
The present internal rules and regulations, adopted at the General Assembly in Vienna on 27th November 1998, come into force on 1st January 1999.