UNICA Staff Mobility Programme and Staff Training Weeks

2010 Staff Mobility and Training Staff Training Weeks

Erasmus Staff Training Week 2009

Staff Mobility Programme

The Unica network has created a grant programme to encourage study visits of staff between member universities.
These staff members should preferably be involved in international activities. The individual grant amounts to 600 Euros.

Aim of the programme

The general aim of the study visit is to enhance the participant’s knowledge of the host institute, in particular of the administration of its education system: academic recognition, academic credits, selection and admission of foreign students, living conditions of foreign students, student counselling, university/industry relations, curriculum organisation, application of new information technologies in higher education, aspects of university management, open and distance learning, etc.

Furthermore, such a study visit should allow the participant to obtain an inside view of the functioning of a department similar to his/her own, and consequently to improve his/her knowledge and skills through a comparative approach.


The applicant develops a study plan in consultation with the potential host university that he/she intends to visit.

This plan contains the following elements :

  • the name of the host university;
  • the aim of the visit and the expected results;
  • the reasons for specifically choosing this university;
  • date of departure, length of stay and place;
  • a detailed programme;
  • a budget, including the bank account number to which the grant could be transferred.

The plan needs the consent of both home and host institutions in the persons of the local authorities concerned and the UNICA institutional coordinators.

By giving its consent, the host university agrees to help the visitor to find board and lodging at the best possible conditions.

Applications for the UNICA administrator’s grant should be sent at least one month before departure to the UNICA General Secretariat.

Decisions on eligibility for the UNICA grant are made by the President of UNICA on the advice of its Secretary General within two weeks after the application has been received at the General Secretariat in Brussels.

In order to actually receive the UNICA grant, the participant should send in an evaluation report of the study visit to the UNICA General Secretariat within 2 weeks after his/her visit.


The grant amounts to 600 euros as a partial reimbursement of the total costs.
No receipts are needed.

  • Participation is limited to one person per member university
  • The applicant should be employed at one of the member universities
  • The home university is responsible for the selection of the applicant
  • The duration of the visit is at least one week
  • The grant will be paid after the participant submits an evaluation report
Reports Application

Go to the application form.

Applications should be sent at least one month before departure to :

Ms Kris Dejonckheere
c/o University Foundation
rue d'Egmont n°11
B-1000 Brussels

Tel: +32/(0)2/514.78.00
Fax: +32/(0)2/514.79.00