ACE: Promoting Erasmus Mundus Towards European Students: Activate, Communicate, Engage

By tailoring the promotion of Erasmus Mundus towards European students, the project aimed at increasing both quantity and quality of received applications for Erasmus Mundus study programmes.

Funding Scheme

Erasmus Mundus Action 3: National Structures

Aims and general information

The project addressed one of the main barriers to European students’ participation in the Erasmus Mundus programme, i.e. visibility, by improving marketing in the specific areas of information, promotion, and training. The final goal wasto raise both the quantity and quality of applications received from European candidates. The project wasframed around the following specific objectives, i.e.:

  • To identify factors affecting European students’ participation in EM (Action 1 and 2);
  • To evaluate and benchmark the current status of EM marketing and promotion at Higher Education Institutions (HEI) both in Europe and internationally;
  • To provide clear and comprehensive information on EM for (a) potential European EM candidates (b) and HEI staff;
  • To professionalise marketing capacity among potential EM promoters in order to help them improve and optimize EM marketing and promotion towards European students;
  • To improve students’ capacity to prepare a successful EM application;
  • To promote the EM programme at European HEI and during international events, and ensure a wide dissemination and exploitation of project outputs and results.


  • Full partners

    • Campus France, France
    • UNICA Network, Belgium
    • Ghent University, Belgium
    • The Knowledge Partnership, UK
    • ICUnet.AG, on behalf of the Erasmus Mundus Association
    • University of Belgrade, Serbia
    • University of Melbourne, Australia

    Associate partners

    • Erasmus Student Network (ESN)
    • Portuguese Erasmus Mundus National Structure
    • Santander Group
    • NARIC-Italia
    • Institute of International Education (USA)

ACE: Promoting Erasmus Mundus Towards European Students: Activate, Communicate, Engage

Project info

From 01 September 2012
to 31 August 2015

Project Coordinator

Sapienza U. of Rome

UNICA’s role

Coordinator of WP 2: Developing promotional material and WP4: Promotional campaign

Relevant UNICA working group

IRO and PR & Communication