
The project is developed in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA3: Forward-Looking Cooperation. 

Aims and general description:

HousErasmus+ is a project coordinated by Erasmus Student Network and co-funded by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency of the European Commission. The timeline is from November 2015 until October 2017.

The HousErasmus+ project aims to identify the challenges and best practices around accommodation for international students and trainees. Based on these information, we will make concrete recommendations and advocate for an improved situation for all mobile students and trainees in Europe. 

The project has different aspects:

  • Research project:
    • A literature review to gather existing research on the topic of international student housing
    • 4 Surveys to different stakeholders of the student housing sectors
    • 10 Study visits on locations with best practices
  • An awareness-raising campaign
    • 4 conferences all over Europe to share the results of the research to stakeholders
    • A final conference in Brussels with key policy-makers
    • An campaign on social media and key international events to spread best practices
  • Publications:
    • A research paper gathering all the information we collected.
    • A recommendations booklet about how to improve the situation

HousErasmus+ addresses the often problematic provision of accommodation for international students and trainees. Through an extensive research, it aims to make recommendations to improve the situation in Europe.


Project info

From 30 November 2015
to 31 October 2017

Project Coordinator

Erasmus Student Network

UNICA’s role

Organisation of study visits and a regional conference, supporting the dissemination of online campaigns.

Relevant UNICA working group

International Relations Officers | Student Activities